"Lesssons of Atama-ii Books" = Book series review
“Review of Atama-ii Books”
Akito Sato
Misaki Maeda
Yuito Koizumi
We read and thought Atama-ii Books have some lessons. Some teachers wrote them.They are very famous.
Let’s show three examples.
“Tornado Alley”
This story is about a tornado, which damaged a town. A researcher went there and found it. He met other researchers, Andy and Jo. They were very excited but involved in the storm. I realized how great damage a disaster causes. Our technology is advanced, but we must not be careless of disasters.
“BackStage Pass”
The main character of this story “Hugo Kong” was a famous singer in the world. After the concert ended, he was seen kissing his backup dancer, not his girlfriend who is familiar to people in dozens of countries. Unfortunately, he had his photo taken and published on the Internet. So the scandal was in everyone's mouth and wrecked his reputation.
“Immortal Empire”
In this story, a god wanted to make people and his country immortal like him (=god).
His country grew up but the people in the country were not able to become happy. A man wrote a book about the poor workers. It reported the workers must take the factories from the rich and appealed everyone must be equal. After that, they can live equally and happily. Therefore, the most important thing is all people of the world can live equally and happily.
Therefore, we thought many people including children can read the series and get to know some useful lessons. A wise man keeps out of danger and fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
We think each person should take responsibility for his or her own behavior. We guess that the authors who wrote them want people all over the world to learn more and grow their imagination.