
9月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

"Comments on the course" (On September 12th)

I had two classes about speaking and reading a weak before I joined this class. I learned some phrases through two classes, but I was very worried about Academic writing. I want to be a good engineer, so have to improve my English skills; not only reading and speaking but also writing.  In this class, I can get to know many words and phrases. I want to use these skills in the future! Please look at "Page" and comfirm date of some homework . I forgot to apload on each days.

"What kind of errors do I often make?" (On September 12th)

I'll show these points 1 "space"                           2 "positions of adverb" 1 "space"  I often write my review or essay like this.    × I like watching animes .I'll introduce 5 examples.  ○  I like watching animes . I'll introduce 5 examples.  I didn't care about it, but realized how important "space"   is through this lecture. Thank you. [references]    https://rickresearchwriting.wordpress.com/2014/06/05/dont-forget-spaces-and-where-to-put-them/ 2 "positions of adverb"  When I write an essay in English lectures, I often forget where I should put an adverb.  This is because there are some types of adverb; fast, always, early ・・・ e.t.c  So I read dictionary many times to write a good essay.

Homework (On September 12th)

「Write 8 sentences(Exercise 3.2)」  1 As can be seen from Table Ⅱ, participation figures have seen steadily falling since 1970.  2 Different authors have accounted for the President's actions in different ways.  3 Mendel attempted to devise a system for classfying the many different types of pea plant that he grew.  4 It is often most effective to present your data in a chart or table.  5 The data we have collected show(/shows, demonstrate, demonstrates) that there has been a downward trend with regard to job satisfaction over the last 50 years.  6 The aim of the research is to develop a new software application which will help aviation engineers design more sophisticated aircraft.  7 The archaeologists should be able to use carbon dating techniques to establish exactly how old the bones are.  8 Charles Darwin attempted to explain the existence of different species in terms of evolution.

Translation (On September 11th) = AWU sentences

 There is a strong interest in knowing how various microbial systems respond to the presence of uranium (U), largely in the context of bioremediation. (多様な微生物機構がどれほどウランの存在にはんのうするのか知ることにとても関心がある。)  There is no known biological role for uranium so far. Uranium is naturally present in rocks and minerals. (今までウランの環境的役割は知られていなかった。ウランは岩石や鉱物に自然に存在している。)  However, anthropogenic nuclear reaction processes over the last few decades have resulted in introduction of uranium into the environment in soluble and toxic forms. (しかしながら、数十年にわたる人的な核反応試行は結果として溶解又は毒物状態で環境にあるウランの伝来に終わった。)  This review focuses on the microbial responses to uranium exposure which allows the alteration of the forms and concentrations of uranium within the cell and in the local environment . (この反省で細胞中又は周辺環境のウランの状態、集積の変化を可能とするウラン曝露への微生物の反応に焦点があてられた。)   Advances in genomics and proteomics approaches providing the information on the regulatory and physiologically important determinants ...

Homework (On September 10th)

「Today's exsercises:Choose a few sentences」 ・The power plant generates electricity for the whole region. ・The study lacks solid evidence and therefore its conclusions are doubtful. ・The first lecture in the series was on the nature of social life. ・He always underlines every new word when he's reading.

Homework (On September 11th)

「Choose a few sentences」 ・In the exam students had to choose three from a choice of ten essay topics. ・The professor decided to take moral courage as the theme for his inaugural lecture ・There are still people who are reluctant to accept Darwin's theory of evolution. ・Perspectives on Modern Taxation economics.

Tornado Alley Review (On September 10th)

”Woo hoo!”Andy shouts."Look at that!I think we're going to beat it!"However,you can't beat a tornado.When it hits you,it's like being hit by a train.The sound,the power,it's too much.The world goes dark,and you don't know if you are still in the car.     ・Summary  A man went to a town which is famous for tornados and met two researchers about disasters. They were going to a cornfield to watch how terrible the tornado was then. So, he helped them. But, they were involved in the storm because they were too careless of it. ・Review  I have never undergone such a terrible disaster, so didn't know how scary a tornado is. In this story, I went to the cornfield with two persons, Andy and Jo. They have reserched many tornados. So I believed them and approached a tornado. But I think it's a mistake because some famous reserchers should care about themselves. We must not be careless about disasters even if we s...

"Lesssons of Atama-ii Books" = Book series review

             “Review of Atama-ii Books”                                                                                                                   members                                  ...

Self Introduction (On September 10th)

My name is Aki.I'm from Nagasaki.I like watching animes. I am a Kumamoto University student and study science.I want to be a good engineer.I often talk  about physics and chemical with my friends.In this summer vacation,I discuss universe.Of course, I am not a professor researching "The origin of universe".But I am interested in some scientific phemonena.Have you guessed physical phemonena around you?If you have,let's talk together! Please look at "The page of this blog".